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Comodo PositiveSSL EV

Comodo PositiveSSL EV Certificate Description Comodo
Enjoy all the benefits Extended Validation brings with an affordable Comodo EV certificate.

Even though the venerable green address bar isn't the be-all, end-all for SSL/TLS quality, it's a lovely feature to have if top-notch domain authority is your goal. Enjoy up-to-date security and compile aggregate data with an SSL certificate properly designed from the ground up to deliver extended validation to websites of all sorts.

With extended validation (EV) applied to your single domain, not only are you substantially improving your website security baseline, but you're also getting access to one of the best Certificate Authorities in the entire SSL industry. Comodo SSL trustworthiness will, in that case, be extended to your own website and/or branding. Industry-standard encryption is just the start of it, and you, too, can reap all the benefits of Comodo's top-notch EV security solution - today.

Upto 90 Days added on for Free
Save More When Buying Multiple Years
Total Due Today: £71.93

Your Savings: £120.71
To ensure the most up-to-date security that meets the latest browser requirements, when you purchase multiple years, you'll need to re-issue your certificate (at no cost to you) once per year.
  • www
    Secure: www and non-www
  • Validation Type: Extended Business
  • Server Licensing: Unlimited
  • Warranty: $1,000,000
  • Mobile Devices: Supported
  • Comodo Seal
    Site Seal: Included
  • Server Licenses: Unlimited
  • Refund Policy: 30 Days

Free Fast Issuance SSL Provided

Get secured faster with a free SSL while you complete your business validation. Instantly provided when you complete your domain validation.
Free SSL Book
Comodo Secure Laptop

Comodo EV SSL Certificate At a Low, Approachable Price-Point!!

For webmasters that need a high-end SSL certificate at a low-end price, the Comodo PositiveSSL lineup of SSL certificates is the way to go. With these SSL certificates, Comodo attempts to deliver top-end validation and a number of coveted trustworthiness signals in a certificate package that doesn't break the bank.

In fact, this Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificate will make yours a verified business name in no time at all, and at an incredibly competitive price. Coming from a verified company such as Comodo, your brand, too, can join the most elite websites on the Internet in regard to security: with this one certificate.

Extended Validation Security for Anyone Who Needs It

Comodo PositiveSSL EV ensures total and comprehensive 256-bit encryption strength on a single-domain setup. While it won't allow you to secure multiple domains in its baseline version, the provided encryption supports (up to) 4096-bit key length, which promises both excellent security and SSL certificate longevity.

The sheer value proposition for this Comodo SSL certificate is downright immense. PositiveSSL EV products' top-end business validation makes them the go-to option for any service, authority, or institution that seeks bank-level security. Whether you need to secure your website's customers or your staff, this same certificate will work equally well.

With additional boons such as the availability of unlimited server licenses and free, unlimited reissues, Comodo PositiveSSL EV certificate delivers both in regard to feature availability and security - all at a downright phenomenal asking price.

Perfect For High-Security Websites That Do Not Need Multi-Domain Coverage

Keeping the above in mind, it's obvious that the baseline Comodo PositiveSSL EV certificate is that its baseline, most affordable version does not come with proper multi-domain support. Users that need to extend their business validation level to more domains at a lower price, however, shouldn't worry about being forced to stick with domain validation levels. Comodo-branded certificates come in all shapes and sizes, and there is, in fact, a dedicated multi-domain EV SSL available as well.

Being one of the highest-security Comodo certificates on the market, and positively loaded with additional features, the PositiveSSL EV SSL promises an excellent primary driver for virtually any website on the Internet - provided that there's no need for a multi-domain setup.

PositiveSSL EV as Comodo's Cutting-Edge SSL Certificate

Comodo has got a huge list of incredibly competitive SSL certificates, and virtually all of them come with a variety of baseline features:

  • unlimited server licenses
  • unlimited issuance instances
  • high assurance rates
  • excellent browser compatibility (including mobile browsers!)
  • full device and OS support
  • Comodo Trust Seal
  • improved SEO

On top of all of these, Comodo PositiveSSL EV comes with its own suite of higher-end features that enterprise owners, in particular, will be extremely satisfied with:

  • Full and comprehensive Extended Validation
  • $1,000,000 warranty package
  • EV reissue instances
  • additional marks of trustworthiness (i.e. address bar)

Finally, if you get your new Comodo SSL via SSLTrust, you can rest assured that you're getting it at the lowest price on the market, and with a top-tier money-back guarantee!

Excellent Certificate Authority With Standard 256-Bit Encryption

Starting from its extensive business vetting all the way to post-implementation support available via Comodo's customer experience team, the guarantee applies that any and all enterprise-grade users will be happy to use this company's SSL products.

Industry-standard encryption strength delivered with an industry-standard SSL certificate hasn't been enough in quite a long while now. Having one's websites protected and their trustworthiness bolstered is a given with just about any SSL/TLS product on the market, and additional features and functionality are what makes or breaks these items.

Time and again, however, Comodo has proven that its lineup of SSL certificates offers just the right balance of value and price.

Get The Lowest Price With SSLTrust!

While there are many different certificate providers available on the Internet, SSLTrust should be your go-to option for SSL/TLS solutions.

Not only do we offer updated certificate products with the baseline 256-bit industry-standard SSL encryption, but we also offer them at the lowest prices on the market. This means that you can get all the features, goodies, and improvements listed on this product page at an incredibly competitive price point - if you get your certificate signing request submitted via SSLTrust.

Add even more to your already incredibly valuable purchase. $1,000,000 warranty, the money-back guarantee, unlimited server licenses, and more! All with SSLTrust and our team of Australian-based web security experts; all at your disposal.

Product NameComodo PositiveSSL EV Certificate
AlgorithmSHA-2 Enabled
Validation TypeExtended Business Validation
Issuance Time1-5 Business Days
Domains SecuredSingle Domain ( WWW and None-WWW )
Allows Additional Domains (SAN)No
Server LicensesUnlimited Server Licenses
Key CryptographyRSA or ECC
Minimum Key Size2048-bit (RSA), 233-bit (ECC)
SSL/TLS Encryption256-bit Encryption
Trust IndicatorsHTTPS Browser Padlock
Green Address BarYes ( in supported browsers )
Mobile & Smartphone SupportYes
Browser compatibility99%
Client OS CompatibilityGood
Included Malware ScanNo
Includes Trust SealYes ( Embedded Organisation name/date/time )
SSL ReissuanceUnlimited and Free
Refund Policy30 Days

I needed some help to complete the issuance of a SSL certificate. I contacted SSLTrust Support and was helped by Paul Baka. Paul was very knowledgeable and I was able to complete my certificate quickly. An excellent experience!

5 months ago

I recently had to renew my SSL certificate not being a techy person I sent an email to SSL TRUST and the help from Paul was excellent. He responded quickly and gave lots of information about how to go about getting the certificate, verifying and installing it. I would recommend anyone to use SLL Trust for your IT needs. The communication and resolving my issue was top drawer.

5 months ago